# (decoded with TMPL 139) Shift Up: 0 Use Small Font: -0x40 # of Items: (11 entries) 0: Label ID: 18 Focus ID: 3 Cmd. Key: '2' (0x32) Group: 0x00 1: Label ID: 19 Focus ID: 4 Cmd. Key: '3' (0x33) Group: 0x00 2: Label ID: 5 Focus ID: 5 Cmd. Key: 'D' (0x44) Group: 0x00 3: Label ID: 6 Focus ID: 6 Cmd. Key: 'V' (0x56) Group: 0x00 4: Label ID: 7 Focus ID: 7 Cmd. Key: 'F' (0x46) Group: 0x10 5: Label ID: 8 Focus ID: 8 Cmd. Key: 'C' (0x43) Group: 0x10 6: Label ID: 20 Focus ID: 9 Cmd. Key: 0x0 Group: 0x04 7: Label ID: 11 Focus ID: 10 Cmd. Key: 0x0 Group: 0x04 8: Label ID: 13 Focus ID: 12 Cmd. Key: 0x0 Group: 0x04 9: Label ID: 15 Focus ID: 15 Cmd. Key: 0x0 Group: 0x01 10: Label ID: 16 Focus ID: 17 Cmd. Key: 't' (0x74) Group: 0x01